Student Council – What is it?

This page explains the terms “Fachschaft”, “Fachschaftsrat” and “FVV”.

The student council describes the set of all students of a faculty, in our case the physics and medical physics students. Teacher training students can choose whether they want to belong to the Student Council for Teacher Training or one of the student councils for their chosen subjects. However, this term is often (incorrectly) used for the student council or the student council room.

The student representative council (German: Fachschaftsrat – FSR) is made up of 8 + 8 + (2) elected members of the student council, the representatives, their deputies and, in exceptional cases, their second deputies. The tasks of the student representative council are varied, e.g. representing the physics students to the professors and the faculty, organising information events, student parties and the barbecue at the beginning or end of the semester. The representatives are also your contacts for everything relating to physics studies or the Faculty of Physics. The student council meets once a week for a student representative council meeting. These meetings are open to the public so that any interested student can sit in and join the discussion without obligation. You can enquire about the date of the student representative council meeting from a member of the council. We discuss our individual tasks at the meetings.

Student council work is not limited to the elected council members; these bodies are merely intended to ensure that student council work is carried out in principle. Every interested student is encouraged to contribute ideas, commitment, etc. to student council work, regardless of whether he or she is part of the council. If you are interested in student council work, it is best to speak to an FSR member or attend one of the public FSR meetings.

In accordance with our statutes, all student representatives are invited to the Student Council General Assembly (FVV) at least once a semester. This will be announced in some lectures, posted on our notice board in the faculty and also announced on this website. There, the student council reports on activities and plans for the next semester. After every FVV, you can always end the evening in a cosy atmosphere with beer, soft drinks, sausages and salad! In addition, a new student representative council is elected for one year at every summer FVV.